Creativity Experience

For the spring semester 2024, my creativity goal was to learn a few beginner chords on the guitar and how to play them properly, to then be able to play the first verse and chorus of A-ha's iconic hit "Take on Me."

I used to play the guitar from 10 to 13, then stopped and picked it up again after nearly 5 years. I think it might be a fun experience to remind myself of my childhood interests and whatnot.


Gaining speed

I returned to "Take on Me" and while i still have trouble changing between the A and D chords in the first part of the song, I think it is coming along better than before. With "The Last of Us" on the other hand, I have practiced more and everyday I gain speed in playing the melody.

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Making progress

I decided to take a short break from playing "Take on Me" and switched the path a bit. I took a moment and learned a part of Gustavo Santaolalla's  "The Last of Us" instrumental from the soundtrack for a game of the same title.

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First 3 weeks

Honestly, at first, I had no idea where to start. It's been so many years since I even held a guitar that it was the first step I took in trying to play it. I first had to learn how to hold it properly. I didn't document me trying to learn how to hold it or when I was learning to hold a pick, which I still struggle with, but hey, practice makes perfect. I remembered a few very basic chords, such as E-major or A-major, so I wasn't totally clueless about guitars.

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